Monday, March 14, 2011

No Worries Mate.

Class has officially started.. two weeks ago.  It has finally hit all of us, it's time to work.  However, it took two weeks to actually set-up my class schedule, so the work has just begun.  The process of setting up schedules here is much different than at home.  At IU, I have everything planned out nice and neat, about a month before I enroll; Sydney was an entirely different experience.

Due to the laid-back atmosphere, it did not seem to be a big deal to any of the counselors or professors that I was not approved for any of my business classes and only enrolled in electives.  Considering I'm here studying through my business school for credit, I was extremely stressed out; I guess I haven't fully adapted to the care-free, "it will eventually work out" mentality. I finally have everything figured out and am actually getting settled into a regular schedule.

This semester I'm taking advertising, organizational analysis, and a sport and learning class.  So far, everything has been pretty introductory, but all three classes seem like they will be interesting.  

As part of my credit, I'm also going to do an internship.  I will be working at the International Goalkeepers Academy in Blacktown working on different marketing aspects of the business.  I'm really excited because the academy is located in Sydney Olympic Park, where the games were held in 2000.  It's going to be a great experience and I'm looking forward to starting.

I know that the reason I'm here is for school, but it's hard to get back into a study mind-frame.  The weather is still beautiful and warm.  This weekend we were at Bondi Beach (again.. we go as much as possible!) We got to see a surf competition and it was awesome!  The beach was packed; there were a ton of people hanging out and watching some awesome surfers.  With bright blue skies and ninety degree weather, it was a perfect way to spend the weekend.

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